So You Think You Know Maine (Basketball)?

Opening night of the season is fast approaching, so we're going to have a little bit of a contest. Think you're right wicked smart? Do you know basketball better than anyone? Do you love a good 33 game parlay?
Well I've got the contest for you.
If you can correctly pick the most Opening Night games correctly (boys or girls), you win a free month subscription to this website.
If you can get all of the games right for either gender, you'll win a free year subscription.
And if you can run the table and get every single game in the state, you'll win a lifetime subscription (plus a ton of bragging rights).
I'll also post the results here so you can see how you did compared to your friends.
Entry to this contest is free! But it is limited to members, so you have to sign up for a free subscription in order to play (also in order to win). So start your scouting. The entry for is below the jump.
Matchups are pulled from the MPA's website as of November 25.