LIVE Podcast Tonight

First things first.

The next episode of the podcast is tonight and it's LIVE.

I'll be talking to Presque Isle's Dillon Kingsbury about all things related to basketball up in the County.

You can watch it on Facebook or (maybe) Twitter and, of course, YouTube (subscribe!).

If audio is more your speed, it'll be on all your podcast platforms tomorrow morning, just like last week's episode with Sean Stackhouse (a.k.a. Stax).

And a ~11 minute solo thing I did on the Classification mess.

Then there's all the normal stuff I'm supposed to say like rate it 5 stars and subscribe and all that jazz, but those things really do help the algorithms.

The spring sports Heal Points spreadsheet is up and ready for the schedules to all be released.

Spring Heal Points
Heal Points done right.

Someone's going to have to explain lacrosse to me.

We have another coaching retirement.

It'll be hard to replace Lee at Seacoast Christian.

Oh, and if you haven't done this, get on it.

That's it!

It's finally starting to feel like spring!